Brian Sheffiel Award

Brian Sheffiel Award

We have opened the voting for the annual Brian Sheffiel Award.

For the benefit of those who are new, every year we award one of our technicians who best represents the qualities and work ethic of a memorable and hardworking LESG technician who passed away. The goal of this program is to recognize current technicians who have been with us for over a year and who go above and beyond to offer exceptional customer service, a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and a positive attitude within the workplace.

Fill out your email and vote for who you think should win this year. One vote per person, and voting closes Friday, December 1st, 2023, at noon. The winner will receive a $1500 voucher for training and education or a $750 voucher for tools.

Vote for who you would like to win the Brian Sheffiel Award(Required)
One vote per person. Only your first vote submitted will be counted.